I don't want to use Safee E Logbook because NHVR will be spying on me

In short, that's wrong. The fact is: read on!


5/5/20232 min read

This is the top reason Australian heavy vehicle drivers are anti-E Logbooks. Painful interceptions with a minimum 40 minutes spent on paper logbook check, a time during which stress flows over the roof until the call hearing!. It becomes even worse when the verdict is to issue a fine because of a spelling mistake or day-of-the-week box is not ticked, and another week's wage has gone because of a tick mark!

One day Ed told me, I avoid them at all costs and you want me to open my logbook to them to check all the time??. I replied: Ed, NHVR doesn't have access to your E logbook. If they would like to have a look however, they must intercept you and ask you to show them your E logbook. Our data shows that ZERO FINES were issued to drivers using Safee E Logbook, and maximum logbook interception time lasted for no more than 4 minutes. How about that?. Thanks to this transparent argument, Ed now enjoys coffee in a ceramic cup during 15 minutes breaks while video catching up with his kids :) 

Ed Knows the drill now

Ed knows that NHVR is not targeting him and are not after his precious data to find a reason to fine him. In fact It's the complete opposite. NHVR would like to end the suffer of calculation, confusion, personal interpretation, and unfair fines. That's why they developed a standard for Electronic Work Diaries (EWDs) that can replace Written Work Diaries (WWDs) and have invited the tech industry to innovate. If NHVR loves your money, they wouldn't have let the WWDs' revenue slip out of their pockets. Makes sense, right?

This is how NHVR will access your data if there need be:

  • They'll talk with you or with your record keeper and ask for it. They don't have immediate access to any one's data whenever they like. They protected this by a privacy policy framework that all tech companies have to fulfill before they get accredited as an EWD provider.

What is a typical "Safee E Logbook" interception looks like
  • Ed opens the 'Compliance View' screen and gives his mobile phone to the officer. It's a screen that contains data that is needed for an interception. Exiting this screen requires a password. So, interception officers are required and can only view data that's in this view, as illustrated here:


  • The officer starts by checking "Driver info", then "Investigation Aid". Since Investigation aid displays no breaches, The interception finishes and Ed can hit the road again confidently.

The myth that NHVR has instant access to your records whenever and wherever one feels like it, is a Myth. It doesn't exist, it doesn't happen. So, if this myth has inhibited you so far from embracing Safee E Logbook, please do yourself a favor and switch now. The time that you spend in calculation, drawing, yellow pages delivery, and worrying is better spent in doing your actual work, catching up with family, and arriving home for the weekend before hitting your max work hours.